
New Distributed Primitives for Developers

(This post was originally published on Red Hat Developers, the community to learn, code, and share faster. To read the original post, click here.)

Object-Oriented Primitives (in-process primitives)

As a Java developer, I'm well familiar with object-oriented concepts such as class, object, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, etc. In addition to the object-oriented concepts, I'm also well familiar with the Java runtime, what features it provides, how I can tune it, how it manages my applications, what would be the lifecycle of my object and the application as a whole, etc.

And for over a decade, all that have been the primary tools, primitives and building blocks I've used a developer to create applications. In my mental model, I would use classes as components, which would give birth to objects that are managed by the JVM. But that model has started to change recently.

Kubernetes Primitives (distributed primitives)

In the last year, I began to run my Java applications on Kubernetes, and that introduced new concepts and tools for me to use. With Kubernetes I don't rely only on the object-oriented concepts and the JVM primitives to implement the whole application behavior. I still need to use the object-oriented building blocks to create the components of the application, but I can also use Kubernetes primitives for some of the application behavior.

For example, now I strive to organize the units of application behavior into independent container images which become the main building blocks. That allows me to use a new richer set of constructs provided by Kubernetes to implement the application behavior. For example, now I don't rely on only an implementation of ExecutorService to run some service periodically, but I can also use Kubernetes CronJob primitive to run my container periodically. The Kubernetes CronJob will provide similar temporal behavior, but use higher level constructs, and rely on the scheduler to do dynamic placement, performing health checks, and shutting down the container when the Job is done. All that ends up in more resilient execution with better resource utilization as a bonus. If I want to perform some application initialization logic, I could use the object constructor, but I could also use init-container in Kubernetes to carry out the initialization at a higher level.

The Distributed Mental Model

Having in-process primitives in the form of object-oriented concepts and the JVM features, combined with distributed out-fo-process primitives provided by Kubernetes give developers a richer set of tools to create better applications. When building a distributed application, my mental model is not any longer limited to a JVM, but spreads across a couple of nodes with multiple JVMs running in coordination.

The in-process primitives and the distributed primitives have commonalities, but they are not directly comparable and replaceable. They operate at different abstraction levels, have different preconditions and guarantees.  Some primitives are supposed to be used together, for example, we still have to use classes, to create objects and put them into container images. But some other primitives such as CronJob in Kubernetes can replace the ExecutorService behavior in Java completely. Here are few concepts which I find commonalities in the JVM and Kubernetes, but don't take that any further.

With time, new primitives give birth to new ways of solving problems, and some of these repetitive solutions become patterns. Check out my in-progress Kubernetes Patterns book for this line of thinking.

CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 Impressions

I was lucky to get my Cloud Native Patterns (video, slides) lightning talk accepted and attend CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 in Berlin. The following is a quick braindump / cameradump while the adrenaline and the excitement of the conference are still in my veins.

The conference had 1200 attendees which is 3x bigger than last year conference in London.

A few quick stats about Kubernetes community (video) by Chen Goldberg

What is Cloud Native and Why Should I Care (video)? by Alexis Richardson

The software is eating the world.
Open source is eating the software.
Cloud (is that Cloud Native?) is eating open source.

All sessions really well attended and packed and in some sessions people not let in. Below is shot from Autoscaling in Kubernetes (video) by Marcin Wielgus.

Also was interesting to see that Philips Hue (smart lights) started evaluating Kubernetes after last year's KubeCon and today they run in production all smart light backend.

A common theme across few sessions was about the fact that Kubernetes makes the life of Ops easy, but the life of the developers harder. The entry level for Kubernetes is quite high which prevents faster adoption.

Michelle Noorali from Deis did excellent talk on getting this point across, and so did Joe Beda.
Coming from a Java background, this is a topic that is close to my heart as well. I've been trying to educate the Java community why containerized Cloud Native and Kubernetes matter. And it is great to see that it is a widely recognized theme and a priority for the cloud native community.

Lot's of companies presented in the conference, from big players such Google, Red Hat, IBM and Microsoft (which also offer Kubernetes as a service), to Mesosphere. And many other smaller companies and new startups, where everybody does something around Cloud Native. (Would have been nice if Cloud Foundry had also shown up as the pioneers in Cloud Native).

Containerised USB sticks and Kubernerts based OpenShift books have all gone.

If you are looking to get involved into the cloud native world, check out the Job Board below for ideas and Red Hat jobs site as well.

Final thoughts:

  • At these events, you can see and feel how CNCF is building a great community of users accompanied by a collaborative ecosystem of companies.
  • At least half of the keynote sessions were given by women. That is at least 10x higher than other Open Source conferences.
  • Kubernetes (and other CNCF projects) have to become more user/developer friendly. Expect that to happen next!
  • All Recordings from the conferences are on youtube already. Check them out, feel the vibe and become part of it.
  • Don't miss CloudNativeCon + KubeCon December 6-8 2017 in Texas.

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